Characterization and Design of High-Power GaN-on-SiC Devices Through the Utilization of Application-Oriented Signals and a Comprehensive Segmented Modeling Approach

GaN-on-SiC RF power devices have been the primary technology in Aerospace and Defense (A&D) application space. These compound semiconductor devices are now mainstream in the communication infrastructure (CIFR) commercial market segments as well. The focus on reducing energy consumption has driven Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to seek a more efficient device technology than silicon. However, standards specification and emissions restrictions of CIFR differ greatly from their A&D counterpart. In this presentation we discuss these differences and show results unique to different transient and signal bandwidth requirements from these two market segments. We will show how transistor behaviours commensurate to favourable linearity performance metrics, such as EVM and ACP, are different to those requiring raw power, efficiency and gain. We will also show: a thorough characterization approach and validation of the modeling approaches; how the input signal characteristics of the characterization steps determine a deliberate extraction of the relevant device characteristics; and a comprehensive modeling approach to RF device die design, fabrication, packaging and system integration.